Holmes County

Holmes County, website

holmes county map

Holmes County in Mississippi uses area code 662. This page is a phonebook directory listing the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Holmes County, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.

Sheriff’s Office

23234 Highway 12 East
Lexington, MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-1511
Fax: (662) 834-3362

Police Department

207 Tchula Street
Lexington, MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-3508

Circuit Court

22549 Depot St.

P. O. Box 718

 Lexington, MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-2476
Fax: (662) 834-3870

Chancery Court

P. O. Box 1211

 Lexington, MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-2508
Fax: (662) 834-1872

District Attorney

360 E. Mulberry St.

Durant, MS 39063

Phone: (662) 653-3191

Circuit Clerk

22549 Depot Street
P. O. Box 718
Lexington MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-2476
Fax: (662) 834-3870


1 Court Square
P. O. Box 449
Lexington MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-2865
Fax: (662) 834-9010

Holmes County Jail

P. O. Box 120

Lexington, MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-1511

Emergency Management

P. O. Box 209
575 Main Street
Tchula, MS 39169
Phone: (662) 235-5126
Fax: (662) 235-5137

Fire Department

207 Tchula St.

Lexington, MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-1431

Health Department

106 Westwood Ave.
Lexington, MS 39095
Phone: (662) 834-3142

School District

313 Olive Street

Lexington, MS 39095

Phone: (662) 834-2175

Fax: (662) 834-9060